Impacting Lives One Youth at a Time

A safe, structured home environment for youth offering hope and healing.

About us

Impacting lives one youth at a time.

At Clear Creek Farm, vulnerable children find hope. Instead of facing uncertainty about basic needs and safety, they receive a nurturing environment that supports their spiritual, moral, emotional, and educational growth.

Clear Creek Farm is a 42-year-old nonprofit Children's Home in Shelby County, Ohio. Located on 70 acres, it houses up to 10 children aged 6-18, referred by Children's Services, judges, or family members. Each child is carefully selected to ensure compatibility and is permanently placed until graduation.

Founded in 1983 by Paul G. Duke (Chemlawn founder), Clear Creek Farm is funded by foundations, grants, and individual donors. It is licensed by Ohio Job & Family Services and receives no state or federal funding.

Providing Support, Structure, and Education

The home provides a family environment with chores, counseling, and support. Children attend Hardin-Houston School, with tutors available to help those behind academically. Many students achieve academic honors and participate in extracurricular activities.


Clear Creek Farm provides a safe, nurturing environment for vulnerable children aged 6-18, offering them an escape from uncertain and potentially abusive living situations.

Educational Commitment

Clear Creek Farm prioritizes education by ensuring children attend local schools, providing tutors, and supporting academic and extracurricular achievements, helping children overcome past educational challenges.

Support Structure

Clear Creek Farm carefully selects and accepts children into a structured family like setting providing counseling, shared responsibilities, and supportive community that teaches respect and responsibilities.


We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Children and Youth

We are accredited by COA (Council on Accreditation)

We operate under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code

We are QRTP Compliant

We are a non-profit organization, licensed by the State of Ohio Department of Children & Youth, and operating under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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